Nemeth Backtranslation Examples

This webpage and the MathML-based backtranslation of the braille math were produced automatically by BackNem 3.0.

BackNem is a new Java application which uses a two-step process to convert Nemeth braille math to MathML. The first step analyzes the braille input using an ANTLR 4 parser generated from a Nemeth grammar developed specifically for BackNem 3.0. The second step backtranslates the parser output using a custom procedure implemented in Java. (This webpage utilizes MathJax for rendering since MathJax can display MathML mathematics in any browser.)

Nemeth Braille Math input:

  1. <3>27]
  2. >x^y"+1]
  3. >x^2"-y^2"]
  4. >?x/y#]
  5. #3.0>a]
  6. >a+.>b+..>c...>d...]..].]]

Line number 1: 273

Line number 2: xy+1

Line number 3: x2-y2

Line number 4: xy

Line number 5: 3.0a

Line number 6: a+b+cd

That's all folks!