This Table is from the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, Nov. 2000 (vol. 94, number 11, p. 686) "Ensuring high-quality instruction for students in Braille literacy programs", A. J. Koenig and M. C. Holbrook

Skill areas Consistency1 Total time per day2 Time span Duration3
Emergent braille literacy skills Moderate to moderate-high Moderate to
Infancy to preschool Long
Early formal literacy skills ("prebraille") High Moderate Preschool through kindergarten Long
Beginning braille literacy skills High Long Kindergarten through Grade 3 Long
Beginning literacy skills in dual media (print and braille) High
Kindergarten through Grade 3 Long
Intermediate braille literacy skills Moderate to moderate-high Long to long-moderate to moderate Grades 4 to 8 Long
Advanced braille literacy skills Moderate to moderate-low Long to long-moderate Grades 9 to 12 Long
Braille literacy skills for students with print literacy High Long Introduced at appropriate time Long
Listening, aural-reading, and live-reader skills Moderate-periodic
Moderate-short Throughout school years Long overall, sometimes
Technology skills Moderate-high Moderate Throughout school years Long overall, sometimes concentrated
Keyboard and word processing skills High-moderate Moderate-short to
Begin in Grade 1, 2, or 3 Long
Slate and stylus skills High-moderate to moderate Moderate-short Begin in Grade 3 or 4 Long or short
Signature writing skills Moderate Moderate-short Begin in Grades 5-7,
Grade 3 or 4
Long or short

Definitions :


2Total time per day


These are the consensus recommendations of 40 professionals. If there is more than one recommenation, e.g. "Begin in Grades 5-7, Grade 3 or 4" the majority consensus is first. Terms like "Moderate-short" are a single recommendation, not two different ones.